giovedì 18 gennaio 2018

Testim. di Ralph Flanagan (dal 1998..)

La Testimonianza di Ralph Flanagan, 
con il Dr. Jeremy Bernstein.
(direttamente, dal 1998..).
Un Fisico del CERN, dal Futuro: Contatta "in Sogno" un Taxista Americano; per dirgli che il Mondo: sarebbe stato interamente Distrutto nel 2012!!! e che Adesso, Staremmo Vivendo: all'interno di una Simulazione Virtuale, Creata da Militari!!


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Ralph Flanagan and the Berestain Phisicist (Testimonial)
CERN Physicist from future Channels with Taxi Driver......

I: Who is Jeremy Bernstein ?...

RF: Long story and I'm driving now...when I get in home lator....why are you so interested in this Bernstein guy?

I: S. M. H. told me to ask you about him

RF: Have you heard of him?

I: wait I do screen shot

RF: Oh.. text you in a few minutes. I'm driving.... thanks.
RF: I thought I told you that dream....

I: No.

RF: It is maybe not a big dream..but strange...

RF: In early 2012 I had several dreams in one night. In each dream there was an older man wearing glasses watching me. Finally in the last three my asked him who he was and why he was stalking my dreams. He said his name was dr. Bernstein and he was from a future computer company and that we were all in a matrix. He said they were interested in me. And the day have been keeping an eye on me. Over the next year at random times during the day I would see a man that looked like the man in the dreams at various times and places and then it came to an end. I was never able to find out anything about a Bernstein until last year A Man by the name of Jeremy Bernstein started blogging. He said that the world was destroyed in a nuclear war in 2012 and then they created a parallel reality to save what was left of the world he said there was a man that they're interested in and they were keeping an eye on this really shocked me because it all paralleled with my dream and 2012 long before I even heard about the Mandela effect

RF: And he also said that the first thing they changed is The Bernstein Bears because of his name

I: Wow! Can write your history? in my italian blog?...

RF: I spent two years after that dream...trying to find out who this Dr Bernstein was..finally gave up...then four years later all this Mandela Effect stuff...first thing changed was Bernstein Bears...that freaked me out then that Jeremy Bernstein started blogging about a catastrophic event in he was part of a group of Scientists that changed our reality and he was giving us clues......and then finding out a Jeremy Bernstein worked at Cern.....wrote books about quantum physics...then vanished....I finally got a hold of a CERN employee and this employee claims he never heard of a Jeremy Bernstein I said that's impossible because he was someone famous. You then can text me and tells me that he died a few months ago I tell him that's impossible because I've been researching and trying to find out about him and I could not find out anything. I then go to Wikipedia and look at his bio again now it says he is dead that he died last year. I swear to God and never said that before cuz I looked at it before. ha detto...

RF: So then about a year ago I started waking up saying scientific terms that I never heard of before. I am just a taxi driver I have no scientific background or education. But I was waking up saying scientific terms and then looking them up and finding that that they were actual real terms

RF: And then my psychic abilities went crazy I was predicting all sorts of things and I was actually finding missing people but then about 6 months ago everything stopped all the dreams stopped and my psychic ability stopped I do not know what is going on at this time

I: Can I write your History?!.... Thanks!

RF: Yes....its kind of crazy..most people don't believe it...

I: Can write your name?

RF: This is the Physicist....I think he was the one stalking my dreams..and blogging on 4 Wikipedia says he died last year...just as he predicted..... Jeremy Bernstein

I: or another Nikname?... Can I post your story to my blog?

RF: Yes.....Ralph past life name... Crazy story...isn't it?

I: Ralph Flanagan and the Berestain Phisicist?

RF: Yes..ok.... or CERN Physicist from future Channels Taxi Driver......

I: not Jeff Polara?.. .

RF: Not Jeff Polara.. cuz I'm worried about stalkers...

I: Ok! Thanks!! Ralph Flanagan is a real name? or invented?

RF: A name I had in a past life..... I died in the 1950s...

I: What town? USA?

RF: Hanover Maryland... USA.

RF: Yes... I was in military.. Special Projects. I think that is why they might be interested in me now... This group of Scientists have been working on this since late 40s. The World is not what you think it is.... it's an illusion.. .

I: This group of Scientists have been working on DWAVE?... on your past life?

RF: Yes..started with Manhattan Project... 1946.

RF: I had a dream that I was escaping the hologram and every time I almost escaped they put a bubble around me and collapse the bubble and I would flash back into this reality.

RF: When did you first noticed give a change?

I: en Juanary of 2016 I was translating a book of Alien Airl en italian blog... The alien of Roswell

RF: I noticed first in 2006...then 2012....then June 2016
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A whistleblower admits to be one of the scientists generating the Mandela Effect. He is giving full disclosure, because he believes he will be dead in a few months. The Mandela Effect is named for the millions of people who remember that Nelson Mandela died in the 1980's. Except he didn't. History changed, and Mandela lived until 2013. Now a scientist has come forward who confesses he is part of the group which is responsible for thousands of small changes to our timeline.
In August of 2016 he said his name is Jeremy. At, an anonymous forum, he admitted to be one of the 23 scientists, a group called "the collective" which is changing human history. Although he is a young man in his twenties, he suffers from exposure to the equipment used to alter time. He will be dead before his next birthday. He believes the public has a right to know, therefore Jeremy is blowing the whistle now. Part of the Mandela Effect is the sudden appearance of new animal species on Earth, such as the flying fox. This is a new kind of bat with a wingspan of six feet, which did not exist until this year, and then abruptly it had always existed, in Malaysia and the Philippines and Australia.
According to Jeremy the Mandela Effect started after the Earth suffered an extinction event back in 2012. He will not reveal the nature of the world-wide catastrophe, but the clues point to nuclear war. The collective was a gathering of physicists who survived. They knew their one chance to save the planet was to alter the timeline. A quantum computer gave them access to the manipulation of space-time, and our history was re-set. Unfortunately the original history leaves a residue. Even after the war itself was eliminated, to protect humanity from the higher level of background radiation which lingered, the scientists experimented with improvements to the human body.
They increased the size of the liver, to better process environmental toxins. To increase the size of the heart, they had to modify its position. The heart has always been located on the left side of the chest. Today that is no longer the case. The heart is now located in the center of the chest. This can be confirmed on any medical website. Most people now believe it's always been there. But some of us remember. Part of residual reality is that some people remember the original history instead of the new history. Jeremy calls this a failure of "the veil", or the "software updates" being applied to nature. Now that the collective has prevented our extinction, Jeremy fears they wish to manufacture the future by overwriting our memories. But the quantum computer program has a more serious bug.
The population is suffering temporal side effects. The newest updates are producing symptoms like chronic headaches, loss of breath, memory holes, and feelings of paranoia. If the program is not fixed the result may be a kind of "server crash", in which the nuclear war timeline will be restored retroactively. The human race will have already died, having starved and been frozen in nuclear winter. The Mandela Effect is also responsible for changes being made to the text of the holy bible. Isaiah chapter 11, verse 6, once read, "The lion shall live with the lamb." Now it reads, "The wolf shall live with the lamb."
However residual proof of "the lion" can be seen in works of religious art. Soon, people will begin to doubt their bible is really the word of god. The number of changes made already to the original timeline, Jeremy revealed, is more than 12,000. He says the true nature of reality is like Russian nesting dolls, because even as the collective revises our reality, they bear their own memory lapses, leading them to the suspicion that they themselves are being manipulated in space-time, by some other outside committee, of which they know nothing.
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Un denunciante admite ser uno de los científicos que generan el efecto Mandela. Él está dando una revelación completa, porque él cree que va a estar muerto en unos pocos meses. El efecto Mandela lleva el nombre de los millones de personas que recuerdan que Nelson Mandela murió en la década de 1980. Excepto que no lo hizo. La historia cambió y Mandela vivió hasta 2013. Ahora se ha presentado un científico que confiesa que forma parte del grupo y es responsable de miles de pequeños cambios en nuestra línea de tiempo.
En agosto de 2016, dijo que su nombre es Jeremy. En, un foro anónimo, admitió ser uno de los 23 científicos, un grupo llamado "el colectivo" que está cambiando la historia humana. A pesar de que es un joven de unos veinte años, sufre de exposición al equipo utilizado para alterar el tiempo. Estará muerto antes de su próximo cumpleaños. Él cree que el público tiene derecho a saber, por lo tanto, Jeremy está pitando el silbato ahora. Parte del efecto Mandela es la aparición repentina de nuevas especies animales en la Tierra, como el zorro volador. Este es un nuevo tipo de murciélago con una envergadura de seis pies, que no existía hasta este año, y luego abruptamente siempre había existido, en Malasia y Filipinas y Australia.
Según Jeremy, el efecto Mandela comenzó después de que la Tierra sufriera un evento de extinción en 2012. No revelará la naturaleza de la catástrofe mundial, pero las pistas apuntan a una guerra nuclear. El colectivo fue una reunión de físicos que sobrevivieron. Sabían que su única oportunidad de salvar el planeta era alterar la línea de tiempo. Una computadora cuántica les dio acceso a la manipulación del espacio-tiempo, y nuestra historia fue reestablecida. Lamentablemente, la historia original deja un residuo. Incluso después de que la guerra misma fue eliminada, para proteger a la humanidad del mayor nivel de radiación de fondo que persistió, los científicos experimentaron con mejoras en el cuerpo humano.
Aumentaron el tamaño del hígado para procesar mejor las toxinas ambientales. Para aumentar el tamaño del corazón, tuvieron que modificar su posición. El corazón siempre ha estado ubicado en el lado izquierdo del cofre. Hoy ese ya no es el caso. El corazón ahora está ubicado en el centro del cofre. Esto puede ser confirmado en cualquier sitio web médico. La mayoría de la gente ahora cree que siempre ha estado ahí. Pero algunos de nosotros lo recordamos. Parte de la realidad residual es que algunas personas recuerdan la historia original en lugar de la nueva historia. Jeremy llama a esto una falla del "velo" o de las "actualizaciones de software" que se aplican a la naturaleza. Ahora que el colectivo ha impedido nuestra extinción, Jeremy teme que deseen fabricar el futuro sobrescribiendo nuestros recuerdos. Pero el programa de computadora cuántica tiene un error más serio.
La población está sufriendo efectos secundarios temporales. Las actualizaciones más recientes producen síntomas como dolores de cabeza crónicos, pérdida de aire, agujeros en la memoria y sentimientos de paranoia. Si el programa no se soluciona, el resultado puede ser una especie de "bloqueo del servidor", en el que la línea de tiempo de la guerra nuclear se restaurará de forma retroactiva. La raza humana ya habrá muerto, hambrienta y congelada en invierno nuclear. El efecto Mandela también es responsable de los cambios que se realizan en el texto de la Santa Biblia. Isaías capítulo 11, versículo 6, una vez leído, "El león vivirá con el cordero". Ahora dice: "El lobo vivirá con el cordero".
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Sin embargo, la prueba residual de "el león" se puede ver en obras de arte religioso. Pronto, la gente comenzará a dudar de que su Biblia sea realmente la palabra de Dios. La cantidad de cambios realizados en la línea de tiempo original, reveló Jeremy, es más de 12,000. Él dice que la verdadera naturaleza de la realidad es como las muñecas rusas, porque incluso cuando el colectivo revisa nuestra realidad, tienen sus propios lapsos de memoria, lo que les hace sospechar que ellos mismos están siendo manipulados en el espacio-tiempo por algún otro comité externo de los cuales no saben nada
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Un informatore ammette di essere uno degli scienziati che generano l'effetto Mandela. Dà piena rivelazione, perché crede che sarà morto in pochi mesi. L'effetto Mandela prende il nome dai milioni di persone che ricordano che Nelson Mandela morì negli anni '80. Tranne che non lo fece. La storia è cambiata e Mandela ha vissuto fino al 2013. Ora uno scienziato si è fatto avanti e confessa di far parte del gruppo che è responsabile di migliaia di piccoli cambiamenti nella nostra cronologia.
Nell'agosto 2016 ha detto di chiamarsi Jeremy. A, un forum anonimo, ha ammesso di essere uno dei 23 scienziati, un gruppo chiamato "il collettivo" che sta cambiando la storia umana. Sebbene sia un giovane sui vent'anni, soffre di esposizione all'equipaggiamento usato per alterare il tempo. Sarà morto prima del suo prossimo compleanno. Crede che il pubblico abbia il diritto di sapere, quindi Jeremy sta suonando il fischio adesso. Parte dell'effetto Mandela è l'improvvisa comparsa di nuove specie animali sulla Terra, come la volpe volante. Questo è un nuovo tipo di pipistrello con un'apertura alare di sei piedi, che non esisteva fino a quest'anno, e poi improvvisamente era sempre esistito, in Malesia, nelle Filippine e in Australia.
Secondo Jeremy, l'effetto Mandela è iniziato dopo che la Terra ha subito un evento di estinzione nel 2012. Non rivelerà la natura della catastrofe mondiale, ma gli indizi indicano la guerra nucleare. Il collettivo era un raduno di fisici sopravvissuti. Sapevano che la loro unica possibilità di salvare il pianeta era di modificare la linea del tempo. Un computer quantico ha dato loro l'accesso alla manipolazione dello spazio-tempo e la nostra storia è stata reimpostata. Sfortunatamente la storia originale lascia un residuo. Anche dopo che la guerra stessa fu eliminata, per proteggere l'umanità dal più alto livello di radiazione di fondo che si attardava, gli scienziati sperimentarono miglioramenti al corpo umano.
Hanno aumentato le dimensioni del fegato, per elaborare meglio le tossine ambientali. Per aumentare la dimensione del cuore, hanno dovuto modificare la sua posizione. Il cuore è sempre stato situato sul lato sinistro del torace. Oggi non è più così. Il cuore è ora situato nel centro del torace. Questo può essere confermato su qualsiasi sito Web medico. Molte persone ora credono che sia sempre stato lì. Ma alcuni di noi ricordano. Parte della realtà residua è che alcune persone ricordano la storia originale invece della nuova storia. Jeremy definisce questo un fallimento del "velo", o degli "aggiornamenti software" applicati alla natura. Ora che il collettivo ha impedito la nostra estinzione, Jeremy teme di voler fabbricare il futuro sovrascrivendo i nostri ricordi. Ma il programma di computer quantistico ha un bug più serio.
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La popolazione sta soffrendo effetti collaterali temporali. Gli aggiornamenti più recenti stanno producendo sintomi come mal di testa cronico, perdita di respiro, buchi di memoria e sentimenti di paranoia. Se il programma non viene risolto, il risultato potrebbe essere una sorta di "crash del server", in cui la cronologia della guerra nucleare verrà ripristinata in modo retroattivo. La razza umana sarà già morta, avendo fame e congelata nell'inverno nucleare. L'effetto Mandela è anche responsabile delle modifiche apportate al testo della Sacra Bibbia. Isaia capitolo 11, versetto 6, una volta letto: "Il leone vivrà con l'agnello". Ora si legge: "Il lupo vivrà con l'agnello".
Comunque la prova residua di "il leone" può essere vista in opere di arte religiosa. Presto, la gente comincerà a dubitare che la loro Bibbia sia davvero la parola di Dio. Il numero di modifiche apportate alla timeline originale, ha rivelato Jeremy, è più di 12.000. Dice che la vera natura della realtà è come le bambole nidificanti russe, perché anche quando il collettivo rivede la nostra realtà, portano i loro errori di memoria, portandoli al sospetto che essi stessi vengano manipolati nello spazio-tempo, da qualche altro comitato esterno di cui non sanno nulla

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